

Four Plants That Turn Red in the Fall

Planting colorful trees, shrubs, and plants around your property is a fantastic way to enhance its visual appeal and make a terrific impression on guests. Few colors catch the eye more than red, especially during the vibrant fall season. Adding various shades of red to...

Four Artificial Turf Landscaping Ideas for Your Backyard

Not everyone has the time and money to maintain a lush, green, and uniform lawn. That’s why numerous homeowners are using artificial turf to make their outdoor spaces look beautiful without the maintenance and effort a natural yard requires. Consider our top four artificial turf...

Understanding Landscaping Texture: A Homeowner’s Guide

Most Tucson homeowners want their properties to make a statement, but the hot desert climate can make things tricky. Adding some texture to a landscape is a great start, accentuating the beautiful parts of your home and drawing together your living space and outdoor spaces. ...

Four Things to Know When Hiring a Landscaper

Landscaping your yard can be an exciting and rewarding home improvement experience. This type of project requires the right landscape contractor, but hiring a landscaper can be extremely difficult.  The experts at Santa Rita Landscaping, LLC are landscape design professionals in Tucson, AZ. We understand the...

Four Best Plants for a Water Feature

Water features add a fantastic element to your landscape, breaking up the monotony of a constant lawn with unused space. You can even add aquatic plants to make your feature more economical and environmentally friendly. As major contractors for landscape design services in Tucson, AZ, our...