3 Things You Need to Know Going Into Your New Landscaping Project

When planning a landscaping project, you don’t want to get started without having a plan. Without one, it can be more difficult to create the landscaping patterns that you want, and the end result can then appear clunky and mismatched. To prevent this, here are three things to keep in mind.

1. Map Your Yard

Firstly, you’ll want to come up with a general layout of your yard, including the areas that get the most and least sun exposure. This will be especially helpful when picking out the types of plants and flowers to plant in these areas. Consider which areas get full sun, partial sun, shade, or deep shade so that you can plan ahead accordingly. Knowing this can also make it easier to plot out the most comfortable areas to use as outdoor living spaces.

2. Link Your Areas

In order to get the most use out of your yard, you’re going to want to consider linking the various areas with pavers. Think of these different areas as rooms, and carefully plan the pathways between them. Pavers are one of the best ways to create pathways, and they can be lined with solar lights to make traversing them in low light much easier. In general, using pavers can make walking much safer, as you won’t have to worry about uneven terrain that could trip you up.

3. Pay Attention to Detail

Most landscaping projects can take between one and four weeks to complete on average, depending on the size of the yard and what is being done. This can give you plenty of time to work on fleshing out small details that can make a lot of difference. For example, you can consider how you’re going to layer your plants once you know which areas receive the best types of light, and you can implement unique plants or ornaments to highlight important areas. Little touches like this can be added as you go and tweaked depending on how your project is progressing.

If you are planning a landscaping project this year, consider these three things before you get started. However, also keep in mind that you mix up your plan as you progress with your landscaping. For example, you may realize that one specific plant would look better than another or that you should readjust your pavers. It’s good to leave yourself some wiggle room so that you have space to create the best possible landscape for your yard.

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