Water-Saving Grass Alternatives | Santa Rita Landscaping

Water-Saving Grass Alternatives for Your Desert Lawn

OverseedingTrying to maintain a lush, green lawn in Tucson may not be impossible, but it is an impractical chore with heavy water usage involved. If you are looking for a more desert-friendly solution to eliminate the need for grass in your lawn, you might explore these alternatives that can cut down your water bill and offer great aesthetics for your home’s exterior.


Expanding your patio can be a great solution for reducing the water needs of your landscape while adding more usable outdoor space to your home. Whether you choose to add a paved patio, fire pit, or built-in seating area, you can have a great outdoor space with minimal upkeep.

Rock gardens

Gravel is a popular solution for the southwest lawn, since it is affordable and readily available. You might add more visual intrigue to a gravel lawn with larger boulders or river rocks that can break up the space and serve as borders around the area.

Cactus gardens

When you want to find a landscaping solution that is fit for the desert, cacti can let you explore a wide range of colors and shapes that will not require much water or maintenance. A cactus garden might beautifully frame a front walkway or provide a unique landscape tucked away in the corner of a larger yard.

Herbal Gardens

Maintaining an herb garden at home can let you always have the right ingredients on hand for your kitchen, and it can be a water-saving method of landscaping when you choose the right herbs. Rosemary, for example, is a hearty herb that will stand up to warmer weather and dry climates.


Santa Rita Landscaping can help you create a greener design for your Tucson home with custom residential landscape design and installation. To learn more about our philosophy and vision, give us a call at (520) 623-0421.

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