How to Conserve Water on Your Landscape this Summer | 14'

How to Conserve Water on Your Landscape this Summer

4bigLandscaping irrigation is one of the largest sources of water usage in residential homes. Because water is a valuable natural resource, particularly in the desert climate of Tucson, taking steps to conserve water can reduce your utility bills as well as benefit the environment. Making a few small changes in your landscaping management strategies can have a big impact on your water usage this summer.

Water Early or Late
During the hot desert day, water evaporates quickly before it can soak into the soil. To get the most from every drop you deposit, water early in the morning or later in the evening when the heat is less intense. If possible, set up a timer to water before the sun rises, as this is generally the coolest part of the day.

Group Similar Plants
Different types of plants have different sun and water requirements. Design your landscaping so that plants with similar needs are grouped together. This allows you to water based upon need and avoid using excessive amounts of water over your whole yard. Providing extra water to only the plants that need it will reduce the overall water usage associated with irrigating your landscaping.

Install a Gray Water System
Gray water is reclaimed water from sinks, tubs, showers, and washing machines. This water can be used to irrigate your lawn, rather than purchasing more water from your utility company. Although installing a gray water irrigation system is an upfront investment, it will save you money over the long term by significantly reducing the water usage associated with watering your yard. Additionally, the City of Tucson is currently offering a rebate program that can reimburse you up to $1,000 of the cost of installing a gray water system.

Santa Rita Landscaping is a Rain Bird Irrigation Select Contractor that can help you develop an environmentally conscious irrigation system to keep your yard looking its best. Visit our website or call (520) 623-0421 to find out more about our landscaping services in Tucson, including commercial construction, homebuilder construction, and commercial landscape maintenance.

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