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Fall is in the Air- Time to Change Watering Schedule

Just as we can feel a change in the air, so can our plants.  And they need us to take care of them. Now that the seasons are changing, we need to adjust the water for them and make sure that they do not get overwatered.

October 15th  has approached –  the start of what Santa Rita Landscaping refers to as the “Winter Season” here in Arizona.  With the sun a little less harsh and with more coolness in the air, we do not want to overwater our plants.  The drip irrigation system in use in your yard does a wonderful job at giving them a very deep watering that you can regulate to help keep them beautiful and smoothly adapting to the changing weather.

Below is a suggested watering schedule to use as a guide. However, use it only as a guide because your watering schedule will vary depending on the weather, the soil, the types of plants that you have, and their maturity.  Be sure to keep a careful eye on your plants any time you change their watering schedule.

For the Winter Season starting October 15th:

Plants in their First Year

Water every other day for 1.5 hours

Plants in their Second Year

Water every third day for 2.5 hours

Established Plants

Water once per week for 3-6 hours

  • Take caution when using these settings. In some soil conditions plants may become too stressed between watering times. In other instances, some soil may not be able to accept 4 hours of water at one time. If so, multiple start times may be needed.


The natural beauty of plants adds greatly to the beauty of our homes and environments. Just like your home, your landscaping is an investment and adjusting the watering schedule is one way to help protect your investment in the winter. This is just a general guide on how to adjust the water for your plants. Be sure to keep an eye on each plant to see how it is doing. If you ever have any questions about watering and maintaining your landscape, feel free to contact us at Santa Rita Landscaping.

Tired of changing your irrigation controller? Contact us for more information on converting your existing controller to a Smart Controller. Smart Controllers have weather sensors that measure rainfall and temperature and will automatically adjust itself seasonally. You should also see a lower water bill.