Biddulph Grange: The Garden of Gardens | Santa Rita Landscaping

Biddulph Grange: The Garden of Gardens

Though there is no shortage of Victorian mansions and gardens in the United Kingdom, the Biddulph Grange will provide a unique spectacle to those who make the trip to Staffordshire. The beautiful and extensive gardens are maintained by the National Trust, and they showcase several distinctive themes, including China and Ancient Egypt. Originally designed in 1840, the gardens of Biddulph Grange were the work of James Bateman, who inherited the land from his father. Utilizing his wealth from the coal and steel businesses, James Bateman utilized his horticultural skills to create what is now known as the garden of gardens.

A Tour of History

Adjacent to the residence at Biddulph Grange is a stunning example of a classic Victorian  garden, which has been restored to its former glory. In addition to this glimpse into history, visitors to the garden can explore a wide range of gardens that demonstrate unique historical gardening traditions. Amazingly, the gardens were entirely based on James Bateman’s original design, which utilized plants collected from around the world. In fact, Bateman spent 20 years collecting plants for his garden, sending hunters all over the globe in search of rare and distinctive plants to fit into each theme.

Unique, Secluded Spaces

Biddulph Grange will take you through China, Egypt, Italy, and many regions of England with each garden feeling like it is miles away from the last. Using walls, rocks, and hedges, each garden has been partitioned from the one next to it, creating an immersive and captivating experience for visitors.

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