New Ways to Upgrade Your Front and Back Yard | Santa Rita Landscaping

New Ways to Upgrade Your Front and Back Yard

Style- Contemporary 4Your yard is an exterior reflection of your home. If you are looking for ways to upgrade your yard and landscaping, there are a variety of new and popular options to consider. Santa Rita Landscaping can help you design the perfect custom residential yard to enhance your curb appeal.

Geometric Gardens
You can bring both order and style to your desert yard by adding a geometric garden. Neatly planted rows provide the opportunity to add a footpath or feature an additional design element, such as a fountain, bench, or firepit. There is a wide variety of flowering desert plants, allowing you to customize the color palette of your landscaping to suit your preferences and complement your home’s exterior.

Grand Entrance
Landscaping is a great way to highlight the entrance to your home, especially if you have a front walk. Cypress trees are a popular choice in Tucson for their hardiness and looks. You can create the look and feel of a classical Italian villa by lining your front walk with these trees for an appealing entryway corridor. If you’re looking for a smaller-scale upgrade, consider planting flowers or flowering shrubs along your front path or around your doorway as well to create a colorful and inviting entrance.

Appealing Archway
If your landscaping includes a garden path, archways and trellises are an excellent way to add elegance and charm to your yard. You can choose flowering or non-flowering vines to achieve the look you want. Rope lighting can add a touch of fantasy and class for special occasions or on an everyday basis.

Santa Rita Landscaping specializes in custom landscape design and maintenance to help you achieve the perfect look and feel for your Tucson yard. Let us help you boost the appeal and functionality of your yard—call (520) 623-0421 or visit us on the web to reach us for more information or to discuss your landscaping needs.

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