4 Beautiful and Fragrant Holiday Plants | Santa Rita Landscaping

4 Beautiful and Fragrant Holiday Plants

With the holiday season right around the corner, it’s time to celebrate with beautiful lights, decorations, and of course holiday plants. We’ve put together a list of our favorite holiday plants to brighten up your home, business, or outdoor space.

1. Poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima)

The classic Christmas bloom, potted red Poinsettias, will bring the holiday spirit into your home. You can start this plant inside your home or office and then transfer it outdoors to complement your landscaping after the danger of frost has passed. For optimal outdoor growth and flowering, plant Poinsettias during the fall and water minimally.

2. Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera)

Christmas Cactus is a long-lasting, colorful cactus with varieties in reds, whites, and pinks. These cacti do best in cooler temperatures.

3. Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)

The aroma of fresh Rosemary will put you in the holiday mood. Rosemary’s use in many holiday recipes also makes this plant a great choice for chefs or as a hostess gift when visiting family and friends. Place in a sunny environment both indoors and out. Keep the soil moist but not wet. This hardy plant can make a beautiful addition to your outdoor desert landscaping.

4. Amaryllis (AmaryllisHippeastrum)

Planting Amaryllis bulbs in the fall will result in beautiful blooms during the holiday season. Variations include red, pink, white, and orange flowers. Many people don’t realize you can get the Amaryllis to bloom repeatedly. When the leaves start to die on the first bloom, store the plant in a dark place where it won’t freeze. About 10 weeks later, you should start to see new growth. Then bring the plant back into the light and enjoy!

Thank you for a great year and we hope that you enjoy these holiday plants. Santa Rita Landscaping wishes you a great holiday season and a prosperous 2014!

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