Save Water | Consider a Smart Controller | Santa Rita Landscaping

Save Water | Consider a Smart Controller

santaritaWater is one of nature’s most precious resources, especially in a dry, desert environment like Tucson. Even native plant species need some water to grow and thrive amidst your landscaping. If you have had trouble with your plants, it could be related to watering. In fact, according to one source, as much as 80% of all plant problems are due to incorrect watering. A smart controller can be an important part of your landscape maintenance, improving your plants’ health while saving you water and money at the same time. Read on to learn more about smart controllers.

How Smart Controllers Work

There are a variety of types of smart controllers that have advantages over standard methods of irrigation timers. Most timers simply turn on and shut off the water at pre-programmed intervals, regardless of weather and local rainfall. Smart controllers are climate-based and adjust the time and amount of water released based on local weather conditions. Some models of Rain Bird smart controllers measure rainfall in real-time, suspending irrigation while it is raining. The controllers calculate the amount of rain and automatically adjust your watering schedule so that your landscaping is not over- or under-watered.

Why Choose Smart Controllers

In addition to providing more precise irrigation, smart controllers can save you time and money. The system is completely automated, so you don’t have to worry about shutting your irrigation off when it rains or forgetting to turn it on after the weather has passed. Smart controllers do all the work for you. These controllers do more than just make your landscaping look consistently beautiful—they can also save you up to 80% with proper watering techniques. Rain Bird smart controllers meet and surpass the standards set by the EPA’s WaterSense program, which requires products to be at least 20% more efficient than standard, non-labeled products.

When you’re ready to save time and money at the same time that you conserve water, contact Santa Rita Landscaping at (520) 623-0421. Our three owners have over 75 combined years of landscaping experience in achieving extraordinary results for all of our customers.

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